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Robert Schwark



Robert Schwark’s paintings and lithographies are abstract only on the first view. His series often start with figurative objects from the life-world, like an escalator, a newspaper, or a book. Robert then seeks to reduce these things to an essential form until the object loses its figurative identity. An escalator becomes a stiff net of lines, a newspaper turns into an empty layout sheet, or an open book only shows white sheets. In his newer works Robert brings figures, objects, and gestures back into his paintings. Sometimes he literally prints new content into the painted books, sometimes he fills the pages with abstract gestures or figurative sceens. This order of things is what Robert’s artistic interest is about.


We’re looking forward to show Robert Schwark’s work from 15th March at Schierke Seinecke.

Opening reception

The opening reception will take place on Friday, 15th March from 7-9pm.
